Kingdom Come: Deliverance Wiki

Borya is a minor character in Kingdom Come: Deliverance. He was the chief Charcoal-Burner, working at the Kiln of Rovna, known for his distinctive red cap.


Speech Charisma Strength
6 6 14


During All that Glisters, Henry follows some blood splatters to the camp while searching for a man named Menhart.

At first, Borya denies knowing what Henry is talking about, but eventually confesses that they came across the cart, and decided to loot it for themselves. They also find the Mercenary, who bribes them to hide him in a shed. Henry is able to convince Borya that he won't hurt the wounded man, so Borya gives him the key.

While Henry is questioning the Mercenary, a knight rides up and demands that Borya give him the sacks, knocking him to the ground and then fleeing on his horse when Henry emerges to challenge him.


